SFI REPO – REpurPOsing of offshore oil and gas infrastructure for maximum value creation in a sustainable manner
The first SFI REPO seminar in June identified the challenges in decommissioning offshore oil and gas infrastructures in the coming years. Read the seminar summary and view the presentations here.
The second SFI REPO seminar will focus on exploring possibilities and innovative solutions for repurposing these valuable infrastructures in sustainable ways, aiming to maximize value creation and minimize environmental impact.
The seminar will provide a platform for companies across various sectors to collaborate and discuss new opportunities emerging in offshore industries, such as carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), offshore wind power, offshore fish farming, and ocean bottom mineral extraction.
Participants will have the opportunity to join or shape the contents of the forthcoming application to the Research Council of Norway for a new centre for innovation: SFI REPO (Centre for Innovation).
❑ Summary of the main points from seminar 20 June 2024, and areas to address the future
challenges in this seminar (10 min)
• Challenges with current legal framework in new setting - regulatory, contract, liability aspects
❑ Current legal framework and obligations of the oil and gas infrastructures
❑ Facility decommissioning in the coming 5-10 years and available information
• Innovative solutions for sustainable future decommissioning and repurposing
❑ Possibilities and opportunities for the future sustainable decommissioning (invited pitches)
❑ Brain-storming / Stand-ups for out-of-the box ideas
❑ Discussions
• Summary and way forward (15 min)
❑ Plan to continue the REPO work
❑ Partner SFI REPO participation process
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Dette webinaret gir en oversikt over aktuelle etter- og videreutdanningstilbud og hvordan de kan tilpasses industriens behov
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