Exploring Norway - Australia collaboration on energy transition

Leaders from Norway and Australia met to discuss energy transition challenges and collaboration

Karianne Skjæveland
Communication Manager
September 3, 2024

On the final day of ONS 2024, CEO of Energy Transition Norway, Egil Aanestad, brought together the mayor of Stavanger, heads of economic development for both Stavanger and Rogaland, and senior representatives from the Western Australian Government's Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science, and Innovation (JTSI) and CODA - Centre of Decommissioning Australia for an informal breakfast meeting at Innovation Park Stavanger.

The meeting fostered productive discussions around shared challenges in the energy transition and the potential for collaboration between Norway and Australia.

JTSI Director General Rebecca Brown, Western Australia Agent General to Europe John Langoulant, Duane McDonnell of JTSI, and Dr. Francis Norman, met with local leaders Sissel Knutsen Hegdal, Anne Woie, and Mette Fossan.

Key topics of discussion included regulatory barriers for CCS (carbon capture and storage), the slow progress of offshore wind development, and the role of both government and industry in driving the energy transition. The participants explored how Norway’s expertise in oil and gas can contribute to future solutions, with a focus on decommissioning, CCS, and renewable energy.

- The challenges we face are shared, and there is much to be gained by strengthening relationships between our two countries at both the political and industry levels, Aanestad said.

There was also keen interest in learning from Norway’s advancements, particularly in attracting talent for the green transition and leveraging the oil and gas sector's competence.

The meeting also addressed opportunities for Australian companies in the Norwegian market and for Norwegian companies looking to enter the Australian market, laying the groundwork for a strengthened bilateral partnership.

From left to right: Director General - Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation at the Western Australian Goverment, Rebecca Brown; CEO of Energy Transition Norway, Egil Aanestad; Agent General for Western Australia in the United Kingdom/Europe region, CEO and Managing Director at Centre Of Decommissioning Australia (CODA), Francis Norman; Head of Economic development of Rogaland County, Mette Fossan; Head of Economic Development City of Stavanger; Anne Woie, and Mayor of Stavanger, Sissel Knutsen Hegdal.

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