Exedra has developed a method whereby a tracer gas is utilized to verify a permanent downhole barrier

Exedra has developed a method whereby a tracer gas is utilized to verify a permanent downhole barrier
Technology concept/solution:
Exedra has developed a method whereby a tracer gas is utilized to verify a permanent downhole barrier. The development is organized as a Joint Industry Project with partners Equinor, ConocoPhillips and AkerBP. Exedra has developed, and is currently qualifying a cost-effective and versatile method, to verify the integrity of downhole barriers for permanently plugging oil and gas wells. The method is fast, extremely sensitive, low cost and unambiguous. It is a generic method that can be applied to a range of different plugging materials and geometries. This enables the O&G industry to introduce lower cost and flexible new solutions for the permanent plugging of wells.
The lack of a proper verification method for barriers behind one or multiple casings is hindering the use of quicker and more cost-effective plugging solutions. As examples, the method can be applied for Perforate Wash and Cement (PWC) barriers, shorter section milling, or creeping shales behind casing. The solution may be used to qualify new exotic barrier materials, such as Bismuth alloys, new cement, resins, and thermite.
Exedra has now successfully developed themethod through the JIP collaboration project. It is currently qualifying themethod for verifying Perforate Wash & Cement barriers with oneoperator. It is seeking opportunities for verification of other barriermethods. Examples are both natural barriers, such as creeping shale, and setbarriers using new materials, such as bismuth alloys, low CO2 cement, dualcasing PWC, and others.
Equinor, ConocoPhillips, AkerBP
Founder, private investors
Innovation Norway, partners
The project started in 2019
Conceptualisation - development and testing - demonstration and validation - commercialization
Contact: Bernt Pedersen
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