Arda Energy
Arda Energy's concept is an energy system that uses biogas as energy supply to produce hydrogen, electricity and heat

Arda Energy's concept is an energy system that uses biogas as energy supply to produce hydrogen, electricity and heat
Technology concept/solution:
Arda Energy's concept is an energy system that uses biogas as energy supply. The biogas is used to produce hydrogen, electricity and heat. The process also results in clean CO2, readily captured. By converting biogas into both hydrogen and electricity, the energy utilization is better than if the biogas alone was used as fuel.
Arda Energy, previously known as Agri-e, has developed and tested two modular energy system solutions in their pilot project for increased energy efficiency. With methane as energy source (biogas, biomethane and natural gas) for production of clean energy and CCUS opportunities. System 1, biogas to hydrogen and heat. System 2, biogas to hydrogen, electricity, and heat. The pilot systems are scaled down industrial solution working 24/7.
Arda is focussing on decentralized production of clean energy and utilization of the green CO2 with positive climate results, energy efficiency (80%), flexibility and security, and increased local value creation. The pilot project will provide the basis for scale-up and commercial deliveries from Q1.2024.
Arda Energy
Equinor, Norske Shell, Norled, Aarbakke Innovation, Westco, AR Incoronato, Worley Origo Process, NORCE, IVAR, Valide, Nibio, Energy Transition Norway
Equinor, Norske Shell, Innovasjon Norge, Enova, Vri Rogaland, Skattefunn, Rogaland Felleskjøp, Norled
2020 - Q4.2023
Conceptualisation - development and testing - demonstration and validation - commercialization
Egil Vigdel
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